Esnard Revisited 2.5.98
The charred remains of Esnard Villa were visited today by owner Y, and her friend and protector, Kooleo, and D (9), and
C (6).

The century and a half year old peg jointed cypress framing timber is
broken and burnt to ashes at two places in the roof, the remaining
roofing timber is also badly burnt and occasionally pieces of this
crippled stucture fall in on itself. A crack and tumble in the night.

The stairs to the second floor are located in the back and to the left,
where the fire started. The stairs are still navigable by an adventurous
nine year old under the fool-hearted tutorage of his twenty-seven year
old mother who is standing down under a second story window accepting
lofted shoes and lofted memories from said son.

"Oh these shoes all right, " Y says, "D go back and get all
my shoes."

D disappears from the glassless window he had been leaning out of
and runs back into the blackened, gloomy interior to look for more.

Shoes start flying out the window, and photo albums, and a bible,
cassette tapes, a suede jacket.

C has found his way to the unstable second floor. Kooleo directs
grumbles of profanity at C. Y leans over to inspect her
salvageable memories and property, putting the keepers in a forty gallon
plastic trash can.

I had spoken to Kooleo earlier. The good news and bad news are the same:
"They gonna fix it."

- jimlouis 8-11-2002 10:23 pm

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