One More Saved 6.29.99
There are many ways to minister to the at risk inner city youth. Walking around money can turn into dollars of the devil if we are not diligent in our efforts to shape and mold the spending habits of those less fortunate than ourselves.

"What's that?"

"That a side bet."

And with four flips of the coin I take the young Shelton's last five dollars.

"You cleaned me out Mr. Jim."

"Don't you feel better, lighter, more free, without all that money tempting you towards the way of the devil?"

"I don't really know what you mean, but I wouldn't say I feel better, no."

"I have unshackled you from the burden that money causes in each of our lives."

"Mama D give me that money to buy lunch with."

"And now you've lost it gambling, a hard earned lesson, but one I'm sure you will carry to your last days. Thanks is not necessary. Just to be a part of your enlightenment is enough for me."

"Can I have those burritos in the fridge?"

"You may have them all my son, feed yourself and your friends with the bountiful burritos which I happen to find nasty."

"Thank you, Mr. Jim."

"Thanks is not necessary"

- jimlouis 1-26-2003 5:21 pm

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