College Basketball
I've been following over the last several months the reporting of violent crime (rape, armed robbery, and murder) in the 2200-2400 block of Dumaine. There's something bad happening over there and you can't guess or predict when it will stop and move somewhere else. Having it move somewhere else is the best you get around here. The murder last night on Dumaine, near Phillis Wheatly Elementary School, was one of two in the city, and I don't think either one of them account for the gunfire I heard in my own neighborhood around the same time both of the murders occurred. That's one thing about having a TV, you don't hear as much gunfire at night. I have noticed, in following crime trends in other neighborhoods, that eventually the murders bring about a lull in violent crime. Some of the bad people move away in simple acts of self-preservation, and the others, well, they're dead.

There's nothing to do about it. I don't want to sound like I've lost hope but the truth is today I don't have any. I can't write about these violent deaths everytime they occur because it amounts to an inconsideration of my audience. I mean, who needs it? I'm only reiterating simple facts that can be found in any newspaper in America.

It's better when you don't hear gunfire at night. It's such an angry, permanent sound. I can't always stand the pictures I see when I hear it. It hardly ever happens on Bourbon Street though. I guess that's what matters.

Congratulations to the Syracuse Orangemen, College Basketball Champions of the World, ya'll seriously kicked some Big 12 butt those last three games. I hope you enjoyed your stay here.
- jimlouis 4-09-2003 2:29 am

From NO Times Picayune staff writer, Brian Thevenot.

"Three assailants armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and two handguns stormed the gymnasium of John McDonogh Senior High School on Monday, stood over a 15-year-old boy and shot him several times in the head and body in what police are investigating as a retaliatory attack, police and school officials said.

Johnathan Williams, a football player nicknamed "Caveman," died at the scene, where he had been in a gym class with about 150 other students.

Police said the shooting likely was payback for the killing of Joseph S. Clark High School student Hillard "Head" Smith, 18, who was gunned down a week ago in the 2300 block of Dumaine Street."

Later reports are saying Johnathan Williams had on his person a .45 caliber handgun at the time of his death.

John McDonogh High School, or John Mac as it is known, faces Esplanade Ave., and is between the 1200 blocks of N.Dorgenois and N.Rocheblave.

Three girls from the school were wounded, and one suffered injuries from being stepped on in the stampede that followed the shooting. I haven't talked to any of the Dumaine boys yet, several of whom attend John Mac, and at least one I know attends Clark. Organized inner-city gangs are not that prevalent here but reports are saying some of the seven people arrested so far are part of part of the DNG (Dumaine 'N Galvez) gang.
- jimlouis 4-16-2003 3:59 am [add a comment]

- Skinny 4-16-2003 4:09 am [add a comment]

"Freedom is untidy." -- D. Rumsfeld
"Holy fuck!" -- me
- mark 4-16-2003 4:31 am [add a comment]

we dont murder for trifles around here.
- dave 4-16-2003 4:51 am [add a comment]

- anonymous (guest) 2-12-2004 1:01 am [add a comment]

- anonymous (guest) 2-12-2004 1:01 am [add a comment]

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