In Rappahannock
Several of us in town like that first table for two. This morning one of the waitresses was sitting there so I headed for the other “two,” over in the corner under the vent. It was cold. I turned around to orient myself to the crowd, it was just one other couple. The man nodded to me and I nodded back. It was Boss Hogg’s deputy, Cletus (actually it was roscoe p coltrane.) Later, the General Lee was seen circling the block. When I left it was out front, parked next to my truck. That’s a bitchin’ automobile, there is no denying it.
- jimlouis 8-11-2003 7:37 pm

Welcome to the eastern seaboard!
- tom moody 8-11-2003 7:46 pm [add a comment]

Thanks, it's good to be here.
- jimlouis 8-11-2003 8:25 pm [add a comment]

No doubt, the 1969 Dodge Charger was the epitome of the muscle car era in Detroit.
- alex 8-12-2003 7:46 pm [add a comment]

i want that car!!!
- Skinny 8-12-2003 10:43 pm [6 comments]

before i die i will get one of these AND learn to drive this time
- Skinny 8-13-2003 12:35 am [
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I've wanted one of these for years.
- steve 8-13-2003 7:36 pm [6 comments]

mustang cobra vs charger vs vw ? we're talking bullet

- bill 8-14-2003 6:06 pm [add a comment]

Isn't anybody impressed that I had breakfast with Cletus. And Cooter? I'm talking about the real guys here now. But no Daisy Duke, or the two main guys, whomever they were, and I didn't go to the festival, Cooter puts it on at his place in Sperryville, because a hippie chick poo-pooed the idea. Since when did I start listening to hippie chicks?
- jimlouis 8-14-2003 6:17 pm [1 comment]

please go back and get me an auto graph (not from the HC)
- bill 8-14-2003 6:29 pm [add a comment]

this guy? i heard britney spears to play daisy duke in the movie remake of s&h.
- linda 8-14-2003 7:49 pm [1 comment]

What you complaining about? Your sighting of the car set off a flurry of comments. You want more go find those cut-off's.
- steve 8-15-2003 5:04 am [add a comment]

That's a point well taken Steve. Daiseeee, Daisey Duke? Where you is girl?

Oh by the way, I had the wrong names. It was Roscoe P. Coltrane I saw at the diner, and maybe Cooter. But definitely Roscoe P.

Bill you can come up next year to the 26th annual Cooterfest in Sperryville, five miles up the road, and we'll get all the autographs, photos, and paraphenalia one man could want.
- jimlouis 8-15-2003 5:20 pm [add a comment]

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