Uh, For breakfast I've been hitting the dessert case at Rae's Deli, Sperryville VA., pretty hard. Today I had another variety of cheesecake. Thank you Rae. Electricians are here, and some AC/Heat guys. And I'm supposed to be painting, so bye.
- jimlouis 9-25-2003 5:46 pm

A friend of mine swears that scrambled eggs and apple pie (on separate plates) is the ideal breakfast.
- mark 9-26-2003 7:15 am [add a comment]

yah how about something a dash more healty, like bacon and hash sandwich
- Skinny 9-26-2003 3:28 pm [add a comment]

For sure, more healthy, today Ima going for the Egg McRae, although the ham and cheese stuffed croissant is pretty tasty too. Oh, and duh on separate plates. Where you is Mark? Amsterdam still?
- jimlouis 9-26-2003 4:10 pm [add a comment]

I'z been back a week now. I'd rather be there.

Speaking of das Nederlands, my favorite eggmumuffa-like device is an uitsmijter (owt-smiter): three slices of dutch crunch, each topped with cheese, ham and a fried egg.
- mark 9-26-2003 9:47 pm [add a comment]

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