Miss Jeanne
I was shocked by it and then overwhelmed with the dull ache of undefined emotion. She wasn't even someone I knew but I have accessed the pain of her leaving, strangely combined with every sad thing I have ever collected. Tears are our reward for unspoken anquish, through which the living see sunrises. Please rest peacefully Miss Jeanne.
- jimlouis 11-04-2003 3:23 pm

I will post my thoughts here too: I had great fun the weekends with her in the Cape (and time in NYC), and would have loved to keep up that tradition (exp since Jim loves patterns). To me she was a bubbly person, with passion for knowledge, she loved our company and we loved hers.......be strong Jim....blessing on your journey Jeanne......
- Skinny 11-04-2003 8:44 pm [add a comment]

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