Other People's Children
I was having the worst cheeseburger ever with all the other sheep, at MacDonalds in Culpeper, and even with the power to seat myself I ended up by the restrooms, surrounded by tables full of children. You know how children will sometimes stare at you with that look of recognition like they are recognizing something so obvious and you just want to smile at them because you don't want to seem stupid, or mean, or out of the loop, but mostly you just want to be back in touch with the essence of that most pure curiousity that seeps or overflows from the pores of children?

This one little girl was bequiling me with her charm and ability to find 16 different ways to sit in her chair and her father was trying to make her eat the same thing I was having, those little plain cheeseburgers, which as I mentioned, are nasty, so I know she wasn't just being picky or a 3 year old brat when she said to him with perfect timing, delivery, and attitude--YOU eat it. I had to look up and smile at this and when I did she was looking right at me, smiling back. Other people's children make me so happy sometimes.
- jimlouis 11-09-2003 4:04 pm

ryley loves jimlouis
- Skinny 11-09-2003 10:26 pm [add a comment]

Hey you know you can read him that Go Dog Go even before his birth day.
- jimlouis 11-10-2003 3:48 am [add a comment]

Will do!!!!! With a southern accent??
- Skinny 11-10-2003 3:36 pm [add a comment]

No mane, that Mass/Jersey hybrid thang you got going will do fine.
- jimlouis 11-10-2003 3:44 pm [add a comment]

couldnt find the previous mention of the calendar but i just ran across this in the ny daily news...

Media madness has descended on the peaceful Virginia countryside in the aftermath of Lowdown's titillating report on "The Men of Rappahannock County," a wall calendar featuring photos of stark-naked residents of the rural redoubt.

On Wednesday, the day the item ran, Regis Philbin started off "Live with Regis and Kelly" by holding up the Daily News' reprinted photo of the "Lunch Bunch," a group of geezers who meet regularly to chew the fat. Philbin got laughs by ordering a closeup of 81-year-old Rappahannock County man Walter Day - who stole the show on ABC's "Good Morning America" Thursday when he and his fellow Lunch Bunchers (all bravely unadorned, tastefully obstructed) appeared live from the Griffin Tavern in Flint Hill, Va.

Then nude motorcyclist Peter Kreyling - whose wife, Cathy, organized the calendar to help fund a rubberized track for the cash-strapped local high school - appeared Wednesday night with Paula Zahn on CNN.

"I am sleep-deprived," Cathy Kreyling told me. "It has been completely crazy - the phone hasn't stopped ringing. We've even been getting calls from some of these supermarket tabloids in Florida."

In other developments, anti-calendar school board candidate Jim Oyster was trounced in Tuesday's election by pro-calendar candidate Meredith Gorfein, whose husband, Henry, posed in the buff as one of the Lunch Bunch. And the initial 5,000-copy press-run has sold out at $15 apiece, with another 5,000 available through "The Men of Rappahannock County" Web site, www.tmorc.com.

- dave 11-10-2003 5:37 pm [3 comments]

ahh, i see sheeretz beat, my man, steve butler. i demand a recount.

and it looks like they got the cellphone tower issue settled. phew. fake trees, what will they think of next?
- dave 11-10-2003 5:48 pm [1 comment]

one more -- sperryville is haute.

Restaurants have been coming and going in Sperryville so fast lately that you almost need a scorecard to keep track. A place called Tomfoolery opened on Main Street and then closed before most people even knew about it. The Blue Moon Cafe on Highway 211 closed this year and was succeeded by a Tex-Mex place called the Coyote Cafe. Sunnyside Farms just opened an open-air burger bar at its new "Famous Rest Stop" on the highway, and soon the Sperryville Corner Store will open a new grill restaurant at the flashing red light on Main Street.

- dave 11-10-2003 5:54 pm [3 comments]

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