If Normalcy Were Redefined
On Rocheblave one sad dog and I resort to idle dreaming as the other dogs bark resentfully. The canopy overhead is gray, a woman's dress is caught in the car door, and palm fronds anticipate nothing.
- jimlouis 1-05-2004 8:24 pm

If Normalcy Were Normality Redefined
On Orchard one sad Wolff, I, resort to idyll dream-a-king. as the other wags bark resentfully, my feet hurt. The canapes overhead are gray is figured into the cost structure, a woman's distress is coughed in the ardor, and the palm frowns, anticipating nothing. (so true)

- dave 1-05-2004 8:44 pm [add a comment]

That's what I'm talking about.
- jimlouis 1-05-2004 8:51 pm [add a comment]

hey you !

- bill 1-06-2004 6:11 pm [add a comment]

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