Caretaker's Wave
I am on the verge of missing this wave.

I got some chores to do. Everytime I pause I think of a new one.

Put the masterbedroom back together from last week's painting of it, vacuum a bit, blow off the sidewalks, cut some flowers, do the dishes (let me start that right now), brush my hair (done), move the sprinkler around the tennis court, check the pool, lock the pool fence, pick up dead limbs around the house, take the key out of the jeep, gather up all the different colored beer bottles from both houses and separate them by color for recycling bins at dump, haul trash to dump, vacuum up minute broken glass bits from upstairs bathroom floor, and remove broken picture.

This is starting to seem like a lot, and maybe I won't have enough time to accomplish all this before the owner's show up.

Ok, I just moved the sprinkler, and the pool I already did earlier, so...but...

...have to lay board across hay and seeded entrance to tennis court so no mud tracked on it. Telepathically communicate with approaching children of owner not to walk through wet hay, ha.

By the way, it's 62 degrees and sunny, in August, so it's not like I'm complaining, even though you aren't really inclined to swim when it's this cool, which isn't a complaint, I'm just saying.

So as it turns out I probably should have missed this wave.
- jimlouis 8-07-2004 5:20 pm

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