Who's Your Mama?
In my twenties I was once in Mexico for several weeks and I met a bunch of Europeans in Palenque and a Scandanavian or two and after awhile I was saying yah instead of yeah. The affected speech wore off after I came back to the USA and likewise I'm hoping that once I leave Dallas I won't be so tempted to use my cell phone indoors at public places. Today I was at the big Half Price Books on Northwest Highway and I carried on a pretty long very personal conversation in the stacks looking for a particular Vollman. The Vollman did not exist. I got a Vonnegut and a Gide just to buy something. My brother was suggesting I not tell my mom he was bringing an African woman with a slight accent into mom's home, tomorrow at 2 p.m. I've been telling her everything though. He said to use my judgement. I'm a shitty liar. I'm great at being reticent, or absolutely mute, but get me started and I just spew and spew and spew. I share with my siblings the desire to see a care-giver of some sort sharing this house with her on a part time basis. So I am not separating myself from my siblings on this. We have different methodologies, that's all.

Are ya'll ganging up on me?


Who is?

All of us, all six.


Because you are losing parts of your memory and over time that could become dangerous for you.

Do you think my house is dirty?


Then why do I need some old woman in here doing for me what I can do for myself?

So that before your memory gets really bad you can have some say in who the person is that helps you

But I don't need help.

Everybody needs help.

I'm 87 years old and I've lived a good life.

Yes, we want you to keep up the good work.

Are ya'll talking about me behind my back?



Every couple of weeks, by phone, on conference calls.


I think its because we love you.

It's demoralizing to be treated like a child when you've lived through two wars and done a lot of things that none of ya'll will ever do.

I can see how it would be.

They took my car away from me last year.

I know.

I only ever drove to the grocery store a block away.

I know, but the people on the roads around here are lunatics. Its gotten worse over the years. But if you want to drive your car around, I'll go with you right now.

They took the key.

I have one.

It doesn't run.

Just the battery, I can get it started. Come on, change out of your nightgown and I'll get it started for you right now.



They treat me like a child.

I wish they wouldn't.
- jimlouis 1-16-2005 8:03 am

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