Eulogy For Jack2/7/2000
Jack was ubiquitous. He would be across the street, right in front of you, and then down by the corner. He moved to all these places at once with purpose.

He was not a menace to the society of which I am aware.

Crack means (processed) rock cocaine, Dope means heroin, and marijuana is hardly worth mentioning in this context. Marijuana does not lead to harder drugs. Insecurity, pain, anguish, lost love, never being hugged, having to wake up every morning and pretend a life of sensibility, watching your friends die on the streets and decay in prison; these are things which in some cases might lead to harder drugs.

He, Jack, was mentioned once in these missives on a first day of school, in a sentence that included Kojack.

He liked his dope, and today he died.
- jimlouis 11-24-2000 12:15 am

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