The Subsidy3/5/2000
Demolition is dirty work but satisfying like a good scream, hammer crashing against plaster, plaster cascading down bringing up clouds of dust, dust which existed only as potential moments before.

There's another guy here today. He says, "Slim, you heard about your boy?"




"Jerome, drive the green truck, come by CK sometime."


"Got fucked up bad, Slim."

"How so."

"You heard about the guy shot those three people over in Kenner?"


"Guy shot two women and a dude, dude was Jerome. Shot in the head, the neck and chest, fucked him up bad, CK told me this, he paralyzed but moving two of his fingers, so..."

"Wow, that's fucked up." Slim and Jerome did not really like each other but were always polite to one another, and would nod or wave in passing.

"Yeah man."

Slim paid his co-worker for the partial day and drove him to the street on which they both lived. It was none of Slim's business what the man did with his money before going to the church meeting and he tried not to worry about it, in fact turned his head away from that common transaction which was now occuring right in front of him and several other adults, and children.
- jimlouis 12-07-2000 12:10 pm

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