Arrived Sunday Night, slept in truck, eaten by mosquitoes, finally found reliable wireless at Cooter Browns, a little farther than I would like to drive from mid-city but better than nothing. Probably find someplace in the quarter if I ask around. I'll let you know what its like according to me, soon. This is a test. Looks bombed out here. Went to a town hall meeting yesterday. The mayor was late. The crowd was exciting. Many good questions asked. Few answers.
- jimlouis 10-27-2005 9:32 pm

hows the house?
- dave 10-27-2005 9:34 pm [add a comment]

I'm living in it. Running water and sewage works but no electricity or gas. Very little mold. My zip code is still verboten for living but how you gonna tell a person not to live where he is? If the neighborhood looked sad before, now its a crying shame. No businesses at all operating in the hoods. French Quarter is up and running though, and that's less than a mile away so I'm spening a little more time there than usual, during the day only though. The night tourists are as scary as they ever were.
- jimlouis 10-27-2005 9:42 pm [add a comment]

good luck - send pics
- bill 10-27-2005 10:37 pm [add a comment]

how high and how long was the water up in your neighborhood - any of your nieghbors move back in like you're doing?
- jeff (guest) 10-28-2005 2:13 am [add a comment]

Water was 4 feet, which is just slightly higher than my floor. I'm pretty much only one living there as of now. But I've seen a slight glow coming from candles, flashlights, etc, so there may be a few in the area that just never left, not many though.
- jimlouis 10-28-2005 6:18 pm [add a comment]

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