Email From NOLA IIb
I got bored over on Rocheblave, opened a warm budweiser and thought I would listen to Saints football on the radio but it wasn't on yet so I came over here and parked in front of Armstrong Park to check my email, I guess I'm ready to take big step and change my Netflix mailing address, hope the show your ID pickup at the Mid-City post office works as advertised (did a dry run the other day, yep they took my ID, and nope I haven't any mail, which I shouldn't of course because I haven't done a change of address) and anyway I won't be sitting here too long because it's a little too warm right now and my house is the perfect cool temperature. All I really wanted to say is--and here let me say if you can't respond maturely better not to respond at all--I just drove past the Funky Butt coming over here and they have it opened up, fans inserted inside, airing it out.
- jimlouis 10-30-2005 9:19 pm

Warm Budweiser!?!? Shit, man, I done already told you I've got perfectly stashed Heineken's at the crib on Memphis -- a little worn, but still perfectly drinkable -- any more of this Funky Butt comiserating's gonna have me turning away from my lukecold modelo to ice cold lonestar. And you better get those ladders before they're gone -- all the lakeview list-servs are hopping mad about the second-story looters -- never mind FEMA, get those goddamn looters, they're saying, and while you're at it, get my kids a charter school, and make sure it's for the lakeview folks, and get my wine/cheese store going on harrison. so your ladder's under the porch, and if you want the pirouge on the back porch it's yours, though you might get shot by the squatters, and if you don't mind unlatching the left shed door, there's your other 6' aluminum ladder, and a perfectly usable ax, and probably another six pack of beer. warm budweiser and the funky butt . . . that's some wrong shit, I'm telling you right now. . . what with your water half potable and your ac all broke.
- anonymous (guest) 10-31-2005 5:17 am [add a comment]

Seriously, I'm afraid to go over to Lakeview, and if there ain't no wine and cheese open what's the point? I ask you, what's the point? But I'm also suffering from occasional boredom so I may do a survey over there today. Who the pirouge belong to? I could maybe enjoy floating along the Bayou St. John. Are you okaying me to break the latch on the back shed? I don't mind doing it but you really do want me to get shot is what I can see now, and all for a lousy warm toxic soup soaked six pack of Heinekin, and a couple a ladders? Ok, I'll do it.
- jimlouis 10-31-2005 3:57 pm [add a comment]

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