im confused. did you go to andover or was that girlie? and is mr joe average american one of those reality tv shows? is that the one where they sit around drinking beer and watching paint dry? i dont like that one. its too existential for me. its so old europe. where are the bikini clad girls? if you want to be joe average american, you should stick to your sexual fantasies during primetime and pray for forgiveness for your mortal sins on sunday. but only until kickoff.....
see, this is the type of entertainment joe americans favor.
Wild! I can imagine Rumsfeld and Cheney being into that stuff.
- dave 1-29-2003 10:34 pm
see, this is the type of entertainment joe americans favor.
- dave 1-30-2003 2:19 am [add a comment]
Wild! I can imagine Rumsfeld and Cheney being into that stuff.
- tom moody 1-30-2003 3:45 am [add a comment]