Hell, let me elaborate, rained out at home all dressed down with nothing to occupy my hands. The tape was brief, a one hour show, maybe only four or five songs, three or four of which were just amazing to listen to, and there were taped after the fact monologues by each of the brothers, the father, and Harry Connick Jr., the NY by way of NO jazz singer/actor who was a piano student of Ellis, the father.

Branford the oldest on saxophone, who you saw play with the G Dead, dissed on the middle brother Delfeayo on trombone, who you and Linda unfortunately missed on Valentines night on account of both shows at Snug Harbor being sold out. Branford said Delfeayo was just his little "punk brother" who he beat up on as a kid. And that he never really understood D picking up the trombone as instrument of choice for a serious jazz musician, which is clearly what all the Marsalis's have strived (quite successfully) to become. But then Defleayo plays his one song set and whatever Branford just said don't mean nothin'.

And Jason, the kid brother barely out of his early twenties, on drums, is going to redefine jazz drumming in our age. He's got this incredibly subtle groove and a proper allegiance to his bass player and it all comes out smoother than a delaudid cocktail. A brother Wynton comment suggested there might be more to see from Jason than we've seen so far, or that he hoped there would be. You do get the feeling watching Jason that he still is a bit tenative, and doesn't necessarily feel a need to shine too bright too soon.

Father Ellis dissected Branford, and Wynton on trumpet, when he said more or less that Branford had gotten by on a low key work ethic and a lot of talent, and Wynton, who is the most celebrated of the family, had gotten by on average talent and a herculean work ethic.

So it was good, and offered some interesting insights into an interesting family, a balm after all the MJ specials.

- jimlouis 2-21-2003 7:05 pm

LKB lets track this down or buy it....
- Skinny 2-24-2003 12:39 am [add a comment]

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