There was an article in, I think, NY Review of Books a few years back by an American historian reminding us that the "rights of the fetus" are a new creation. Until pretty much the 1960s, the abortion issue was candidly about keeping women barefoot and pregnant to make more menfolk. After women's lib, the antiabortionists cleverly adopted the language of civil rights, and started talking about the fetus as a little person. Bottom line here is they never cared about the feelings of the fetus until recently (and many of them still don't). It's just cover.
- tom moody 3-02-2003 9:32 pm

I guess the effectiveness of these giant pictures they parade around with is that you are clearly looking at a little person. The people themselves are a little bit scary, I mean like from central casting for abortion clinic bombers.
- jimlouis 3-02-2003 9:39 pm [add a comment]

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