But the radio hosts, their names are Bob and Vinny, would not let the subject drop, and so today asked the same question. There was still no flood of calls but the two they did receive, or screen in, were more to the general character of the show. One guy said--you want to end this war quick just send over to Iraq my mother-in-law and and step-daughter, har, har, har. Then a woman called in, and just like the pacifist woman who called in yesterday, this woman had a son in the military stationed somewhere in the Middle East. She started out real nice (Bob or Vinny even questioned her age because she sounded so young, like a sweet young girl) but she was different from the woman yesterday. She was strongly in favor of this war against Iraq because she believed it is a war against tyranny, a war being fought for the freedom of America (?) She ended her call by saying--in that sweet sweet voice of hers--that she felt all "these protestors" should be marched out into the street and shot. I'm telling you--this nonplussed thing is a going to catch on. I'm thinking of bumber stickers--Are You Nonplussed Yet?
- jimlouis 3-22-2003 5:01 am

Bob and Vinny have to check the call in telephone line for George Huff. I tried for two hours and got only "your call go not go through" whereas I used to get a busy single until I got in and voted and a voice verified my vote. What if none of our calls got through, maybe tens of thousands. My area code is 985. I wrote to American Idol to investigate this because of Huff's line was out of commission then he missed out. He should be brought back. Gibbens Robichaux
- Gibbens Robichaux (guest) 5-07-2004 12:52 am [add a comment]

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