Only 1 documented drug-dealing cop yesterday in NOLA; other 12 were just run-of-the-mill heroin and cocain dealers. But the cop was no slouch: he was responsible for checking out the cell phone numbers via NOPD computer to insure they belonged to innocent citizens.

Further up Bienville, away from your hood and closer to Delgado, at Mick's Irish Pub, they serve Guiness and New Castle, and there's no open mic night, though I once saw two female construction workers who stood toe to toe with a local drunk and matched shots of Jaeger. Mick's is an ideal sports viewing location. I was handed both remotes when I inquired about a football game, then screamed at by the construction workers when I didn't know which direction ESPN was located on the 100+ channel dial. Food was free, as I recall. Chopped up muffalettas. Also seemed to be a mid-range craps game and bookmaking scheme run by Mary, the oh-so-cute Irish lass who tended bar between accusing the patrons of being dickheads.
- Ross 10-09-2003 9:05 pm

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