Only the inconclusive hearsay of another person with that last name, at that video store/art gallery, saying, if it was a Jordan around here a hundred years ago she was black. That being an interesting comment, neither here nor there, but seeing as how locally, on Fodderstack Rd, between Little Washington and Flint Hill there is not a single scrap of evidence of an entire town of "free people of color" dating to the 1850s, it seems unlikely that black woman from the late 1800s would be buried up here at this, uh, manor. I mean, even Sally Hemmings wasn't buried at Monticello, right. So, really, to answer your question, no.

Is that Steve Di or Do?
- jimlouis 11-05-2003 8:30 pm

Def. Do but probably both.
- steve 11-05-2003 10:27 pm [add a comment]

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