Scarlett Johanson is not a model. Her looks are quirkier than Vermeer's subject. But she is beautiful. Her face radiates the subtle, yet vibrant expression she potrays on screen. I don't love all of her films, and I'm not thrilled when I see her face all over newsstands. But she is different. Of course, she, like most actresses, is concerned about her image. But she possesses that timeless quality, that genuine earnestness, that few actresses of today display. She becomes the characters and lives the situations. It's so obvious she truly cares about her work. As a young actress, it is comforting to know that young girls who aren't models, but love films for the drama, can go somewhere. I, by no means, want to be Scarlett Johanson. But she has inspired me to be my own personality. At least give her that.
- some nieve little girl 3-23-2004 3:36 am

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