Thanks peoples, up at the bighouse, too tired to unpack yesterday at my quarters down the hill. Trying out this bighouse laptop, not wireless yet so not lounging by the pool, some gardeners coming out today (of the order conceived by Dave last year, sort of), and an orchard specialist maybe show us how to grow some trees, and uh, well, ok, I'll just say it, the tennis court is not finished but no joke, it is actually started, the Tex-Mex place in Sperryville opened unnder new management, had my welcome back meal last night ad pretty damn good, except it doesn't yet actually have a tex-mex item on the menu, but the red snapper burrito was good, as well as portabello mushroom quesadillo, and chicken fajitas, and salsa is much improved so...

And speaking of great dinners (Dick and Jenny's New Orleans), thanks Kerry.

Dammit double a, I left Sunday 5/16 morning, 2 am, so nothing for yall to do but come to Rappahannock. Bring the gators.

By the way, Jim, signed in, all comments showing red, but have no access beyond that of a guest. I know he probably has this machine rejecting cookies? and probably wants to keep it that way, if that matters. Anything else I should do on this end?
- jimlouis 5-18-2004 4:28 pm

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