Hmmm. Well wait a minute. If you have cookies off then you wouldn't be able to sign in and see red comments. I wonder what is going on? You obviously aren't signed in when you posted above (as - jimlouis (guest).) But you see new comments on the front page?
- jim 5-18-2004 4:57 pm

Yeah IE, and I may try the alternate browser method, but yes the weird thing was all the appearances of being signed in, welcome jimlouis, and all posts and comments red but when clicking on anything red I was given the notice that I did not have access and being directing by link to a non-members version of the page. I'm not signed in now but I was when I wrote that last comment. I mean signed in in the sense that I had all the red but obviously not really signed in. Thought I'd mention it. I'm sure I can fix it on my end with a cookie solution
- jimlouis (guest) 5-18-2004 8:56 pm [add a comment]

When in doubt just do what Jim tells you to do, Firefox has me working fine.
- jimlouis 5-18-2004 9:05 pm [add a comment]

Nice little browser. If you are used to IE definitely check out tabbed browsing and the pop up blocking capabilities.You won't be able to go back.
- jim 5-18-2004 9:41 pm [add a comment]

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