In spite of NOLA heat this afternoon and no a/c for the Saturn, I dutifully returned some tile-laying tools to J's friend in Chalmette. Progress in The Parish means one-lane reductions on Judge Perez for no apparent reason and a whole lot of whiteness.

Hot 8 trombonist was shot and killed yesterday while driving a stolen truck to a second line gig for a friend in the Treme. Squad cars cornered the truck, officers approached, and he either tried to use the truck to run them over or he was shot like a dog, depends on whether its Capt. DeFillo or his grandmother who's talking. Saturday and Sunday is Satchmofest at the Mint, with brass stage on Esplanade.

Amidst a break in writing from the Jeff. Davis downtown view, here's an [ir]relevant take on cats and mice: "According to the anthropologist Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, 'Cats may be assuming the role of educator when they bring prey indoors to their human owners. . . . A mother cat starts teaching her kittens from the moment they start following her. . . . Later she gives them hands-on practice by flipping [wounded] prey back to their nests or dens so that their homebound kittens can practice, especially if the prey is of manageable size. So perhaps cats who release living prey in our houses are trying to give us some practice, to hone our hunting skills.'"

Any interest in me making use of your NOLA voter registration for the September local/state elections? I'd reimburse your postage for absentee vote. Speaking of which, your video collection took in $45 for a bathroom renovation fund at a recent yard sale.
- RL 8-05-2004 12:58 am

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