With Cadillac spoke hubcaps?

I'm hoping to sleep at my still unrented house, but who knows. We'll for sure stop by for visit Sun or Mon. I'll call from road on Saturday.
- jimlouis 12-16-2004 7:25 pm

Still unrented. That's what I thought in my infrequent drive-bys, though pulling the plastic covering off the transom over the entry and all the windows open with sunlight pouring in from the Canal side, which I just noticed, makes it look lived in and more MidCity/Esplanade Ridge than I ever realized before. We'll be around next week -- I have a roast beef po-boy recommendation that, dare I say it, challenges Parasol's and $1 beer ups the stakes.
- rl (guest) 12-16-2004 8:00 pm [add a comment]

Yeah well, it took me four years to renovate, don't want to rush into that renting thing. Although I have really pressed my luck expecting (and getting?) that much respect from the neighborhood, leaving it only moderately attended. When you say all the windows open I'm just going to assume you mean what I want you to mean instead of what I don't want you to mean. And listen mane, don't be effing with me. Come up offa that info, wherezit?, the beef sandwich and beer? Maybe it'll be my first stop.
- jimlouis 12-16-2004 8:27 pm [5 comments]

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