It was raining along my route so I called ahead to Austin to see if it was raining there and since it was decided to bypass Dallas and go out to my 12 acres in Bastrop, 40 miles east of Austin, and burn all the collapsed wood of the shed I built 25 years ago with a hammer and nails and chainsaw. It's wooded property so it is safer to have large fires after and/or during rain. A little gasoline gets even the most soaked wood going. Various squatters left quite a collection of non-burnable shit so I have for future trips here (180 miles from Dallas) a couple of runs to the dump and the soliciting of someone who can remove a fairly well stripped truck.
- jimlouis 1-05-2005 9:32 pm

Jim, I've moved, but still in Bordeaux, changed computers and now can't find your email address, which partially explains why I've been out of touch. Anyway that's why I'm writing here. My email has changed, too. It's now. Drop me a line soon, at least with your email address.
- anonymous (guest) 1-06-2005 12:44 pm [add a comment]

Hey Leslie, been thinking about you, will email soon.
- jimlouis 1-06-2005 7:37 pm [add a comment]

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