Actually, I decided to make use of the new spooler of weedeater filament I bought the other day. I weed whacked a fire break down slope from D's house (that time of year), and did a little cleanup in the orchard. The weed whacking in the orchard was cut short when I tore up a wasp nest. Due to my quick reactions, only got stung four times. I had dropped the weedeater to run away, and could hear its little two stroke motor idling down there. With about 30 wasps hovering over it, retrieving it was not an option. Thankfully the motor died after a few minutes, instead of idling through the just filled fuel tank.

Denied the opportunity to do chores by a swarm of aggressive and violent insects, then I had no choice but to goof.
- mark 7-31-2005 9:50 pm

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