Midland didn't have storm sewers so I had to experience that tunneling vicariously via friends who moved out of town and reported back from exotic places like Lawrence, KS.
What Midland has is public parks that are deep bowls in the earth, and that fill up with water during the city's two annual heavy rains.
It is in these valleys that the frogs young George Bush allegedly blew up magically appear, as if by spontaneous generation.
Personally I'm skeptical about the frog story. It came from a reminiscin' friend of Bush's, not the man himself. Every kid tells stories about torturing frogs and the like--either that they'd done it or "knew someone" who had. The whiny liberal blogosphere took that bit of juvenile bragging WAY too fucking seriously. I've seen deep scholarly psychological essays about Bush's inherent cruelty based on that one offhand story.
Which isn't to say he isn't cruel, he gives new meaning to the word, just that people say shit--especially people who were once kids.
- tom moody 8-09-2005 7:16 pm

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