off topic - john zoller just called in from cell phone after i left him a message. he lives in halendale fla just north of north miami just south of hollywood. they expect to be out of electricity for 15-20 days. the win-dixie etc are open with generator electricity. charging cell phone in car cig lighter. listening to am radio on boombox. they are cooking on outdoor gas bbq grill. complaining about low ball 1 catagory landfall storm warning he believes was really a high two low three storm. home depot letting people in in groups of ten. future plans for a $600 gas generator and quick install metal storm shutters. the plywood and screws routine's for shit.
jim if you have ups delivery and needs, pls advise off line and we can get you anything like sleeping bag skeeter net etc. what craig said (hey CS) too.
jim if you have ups delivery and needs, pls advise off line and we can get you anything like sleeping bag skeeter net etc. what craig said (hey CS) too.
- bill 10-28-2005 8:19 pm