The first weekend of the 37th annua New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival ended with a rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In." When the familiar chorus arrived, the white handkerchiefs New Orleanians seem to keep handy on all occasions were waved high. Yet it wasn't the jaunty, clichéd jazz version. Bruce Springsteen played "Saints" as nothing less than a hymn, and he sang a rarely noticed final verse: "Some say this world of trouble is the only world we'll ever see/But I'm waiting for that morning when the new world is revealed."

- bill 5-01-2006 12:20 pm

I almost went, but wouldn't "Down in the Flood (Crash on the Levee)" have been a good song for him to play. It never was one of my favorite songs, but I think of it from time to time lately. I used to have it on an album he performed with The Band
- Len (guest) 5-03-2006 7:47 am [add a comment]

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