"Of all the bottles that might be collected, I have always considered this bottle to typify bottle collecting. Of the millions upon millions of Swamp Root bottles made and sold thousands have survived. To own a piece of the Kilmer legacy is within the price range of any collector. Better yet is the thrill of finding one’s own piece of history. Years ago it was thrilling to unearth a Swamp Root bottle. I still recall my great pleasure and enthusiasm, when digging in a logging camp dump in Northern Michigan, of finding my first Dr. Kilmer’s" Ocean Weed Heart Remedy."

- bill 4-30-2001 2:43 am

Thanks Bill, my bottle as noted is a "sample bottle" and therefore does not resemble any of the bottles pictured but the guy is right about the thrill and pleasure of finding buried pieces of history or maybe that says too much about my sense of thrill.
- jimlouis 5-01-2001 2:33 am [1 comment]

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