Hey Jim Louis,

Any chance of getting through here ?

How about going back to Dallas for christmas. John and I'll be there for a whole week. Please check in and say hey.

Happy holidays !
- bill 12-15-2001 4:02 pm

I took the day off to come make important phone calls over here at Dumaine, catch up with the tree, was about to bug out without checking my site, but glad I did, because that is great news you and John in Dallas whole week. Me too. Driving truck (on Sunday?), iffy, a little nervous about it, sure, getting old is all, losing nerve, hope to pick up a couple of furniture items, transport them back here, 500 miles each way, seems iffy, when co-workers look at the truck and ask me am I really attempting it I pretend confidence but truthfully I used up my yearly confidence quota some months ago and have been running on the fumes of self doubt for a little while now. Well sure since you ask some personal business matters are irritating me but all just normal crap that I allow to fester. I am overly inactive right now. Plumbers came while Magee was here and hooked up water heater and kitchen sink but now are putting me off until his guy can intall AC compressor and get whole show inspected at once and then I get gas meter which equals hot air and water. If the winter is average mild I can make it ok without heat and heated water. Somedays I just have to look at it like--I'm surprised you got this far slim, I really am. So, in closing let me say I really love my Ma but a whole week alone in Dallas with her and me not in touch with another living Dallas soul, except for a couple of brothers whom I will no doubt see at least on Christmas, and Ma forgetting the conversations we had the day previous, its enough to add another dimension to the nervous dread I am feeling about the whole trip, even if I do replace to two front tires on the truck. So yes please, let's hook up. If louise is in the book I'll ring you when I get settled. I might be able to check back here once before I leave but otherwise hope to see you and John in Dallas.
- jimlouis 12-17-2001 9:05 pm [2 comments]

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