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Kid Not
The thing about working for yourself is that not only is your boss an asshole, your only worker is a no good slacker.

It's Friday in Rappahannock, latter part of November, and the day is looking too perfect for working.

Who's in charge here?

I am

You're fired.

I will miss the park when I leave so I should go there today, work tomorrow when all the weekenders are flooding in.

You got beaten up with premonition the last time you went to the park.

Jesus, I know, and it all came true.

You scared?

Are you kidding?

What then?

I'm going back.
- jimlouis 11-21-2003 5:32 pm [link] [add a comment]

The Calendar
Wow, Okay, another great sunrise. What have I got, what have I got?

There's this, that calendar thing: it has sprouted new tentacles.

Some clergymen have told other clergymen to lighten up and even the Rappahannock News has not so subtly implied that the Baptists are a little overboard on their anti-nudity stance.

The calendar, conceived as a fundraiser, and which I finally got the courage to look at, is black and white photographs of local Rappahannock men, some old, some young, nude but with essentials covered up. There is one shot of naked butts, younger men, that may titillate some, somewhat. Otherwise, the calendar is totally tame and even has one or two shots which in my unschooled opinion contain some artistic merit.

One of the anti-calendar preachers offered this bible verse, which I really like, and so here it is: "Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things."

The anti-calendar preacher who offered the bible verse ( from the apostle Paul, fourth chapter of Philippians) meant to imply that the calendar was not something to meditate on.

Obviously, we all must decide for our ownselves what is "lovely."

And good luck to each of us.
- jimlouis 11-20-2003 3:41 pm [link] [6 comments]