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So the forsythia has stopped blooming that yellow if it were red would be fire engine and the lush greening up the mountains is less shocking to the system and also your body is getting more used to the daylight you yearned for during dark winter but then when it came it made the days seem longer than you knew what to do with.
One person's wanting things to stay the way they are is conflicting with another group of person's wanting things to stay the way they are and so there may be a conflict out here in these parts and it may turn out that my skills of curmudgeon will come into play in the coming months. This morning, not getting what I needed from my dreams, I lay in bed daydreaming about chasing a particular citizen down the driveway while I waved a stick and gurgled gutturally threatening themes.
As a hobby this year I am growing flowers. I don't know if I've mentioned that before but its what I'm doing so if you got something to get off your chest about it then go on ahead with it. What? Oh I got about a thousand little plants in flats right now soaking up the early morning sun and some of them I have never seen outside of pictures, but the usual, you know, marigolds, cosmos, gallardia, rudbeckia, maroon coreopsis, painted tongue, balloon flower, agrostemma, shasta daisy, zulu prince daisy, south african pearl daisies, some moon flowers, petunia, gazanias, dianthus, coleus, a few morning glories for the pool fence and some sunflowers. I got some zinnias and other stuff still in seed packets which I may direct seed out here somewhere but truly I don't have anywhere near enough prepared ground to even take care of those aforementioned already started plants.
I was talking to a big burly man I contracted to dig up and move out of here some rather impressive concrete slabs and he comes and goes at will with his heavy machinery and one day he stopped and said whatchu growing and I said flowers. His wife likes flowers. On another day we were again talking about my flowers and he said are you gonna sell some of them and I said maybe but maybe just give some away and he said his wife said I am a man after her own heart because most men don't like flowers, and I said, oh yeah?, and he waved his hands like he was cleaning the plate glass window which may or may not exist between us and said hey hey hey, I'm not saying nothing.
I got beau coup chores so I'm a get on with some thing, probably up on the roof for a few hours, maybe drive in later, to RFK, for an afternoon game.