
email from NOLA

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Email From NOLA IIy
I had enough beer in my bladder to wake me early Thursday morning for the drive up to NY. The late night beer drinking was part of my ingenious plan to beat the snow/ice storm predicted for the morning hours. But I kept coming back to bed after trips down the hall and then I decided to just go ahead and pretend there would be no ice/snow storm, take my time, have breakfast.

I had gone the previous evening to a high school band concert with Lorina. Her ex-boyfriend and current bandmate, Morton, was there too, and he sat on the other side of Lorina (it was the double ex sandwich) and yacked incessantly and since I can't laugh but so much, at anything, even if it really is funny, I just let Lorina manage her ex and tried to focus on the high school musicians. At times the two of them were almost cute together. We had another fight afterwards where I reiterated my disdain for the majority of her male friends and then left her pissed off and she left me a testy comment to one of my posts. I thought about deleting it but truth is truth and that's that. Embarrassment is short lasting.

She called me in the morning after my failed attempt to get early on the road, just a tad sheepish, and I said, sure, let's have breakfast. Over breakfast she asked me did I want to delete that comment and I said I will if you want me to, but in the end we decided to leave it.

The snow that started coming down midway through breakfast was sticking to the street immediately. I was going anyway. Lorina said Chester Gap might be a bit challenging and we said goodbye. But the more I thought about Chester Gap the more chicken-hearted I got so I decided to wait out the storm. I drove over to tell Lorina this and ended up getting snowed in with her.

The next morning scraping ice off my windshield and the radical feminist octogenarian play write (for whom Lorina is caretaker) came out and ask me a for a favor and I went in and did a light maintenence job on her wood burning stove, which is her sole source of heat.

Drove back to the bighouse and an outdoor pipe was burst but I dealt with it and packed my bags and left. The roads were fine. But Chester Gap appeared, unlike the surrounding area, as if a major winter storm had hit it. Ice coated every limb and twig of every tree. As it melted in the midday sun is was--uh--shiny.

I took a little bump when I shouldna had oughta and after wolfing a Mickey D got back on the highway going the wrong direction. It took me a while to figure it out, and a while longer to correct it. But I got into Jersey City all good, and drank some more beer, with Bill.

Today I am heading into the city to hike the Park, attend a party, and then crash heavy at the party site, which is in a building near the Park and 5th Ave and the MOMA. My friend is going to tear down and replace the building with another one. So various of us, Nykers, and visiting guests too, are sort of occupying it occasionally as needed. And the friend stays there when doing business in NY, instead of paying 600 a night for a hotel room.

So tomorrow night will make the 5th different residence at which I have slept since leaving New Orleans 10 days ago. The weird thing about places out here on the east coast is--they all have operable utilities, and hot water flows from the pipes on even the coldest days, which have been many.
- jimlouis 12-17-2005 4:53 pm [link] [1 comment]