This page is a narrow-focus warblog. In fact, it's a blog of a war that is only verbal, so far. The content consists primarily of pronouncements by various government officials in the US, Syria and around the world, as well as analysis and commentary from media outlets.


Sources (non-exhaustive)

AFP -- France
Al Bawaba -- Jordon, UK
Al Jazeera -- Qatar
Arab News -- Saudi Arabia
Arabic News
Asia Times -- Hong Kong
Associated Press (AP) -- USA
The Daily Star -- Lebanon
Financial Times -- UK
Forward -- USA
The Guardian -- UK
--- The Observer
Google News
Ha'aretz -- Israel
.......... Ha'aretz vs.
The Hindu -- India
IRNA -- Iran
IslamOnline -- Qatar
Maariv -- now in English -- Israel
Monday Morning -- Lebanon
New York Post -- USA
New York Times -- USA
Reuters -- UK
Scoop -- New Zealand
United Press International (UPI) -- USA
US DoD Defense Link
US Dept. of State Int'l Information Programs
US White House, Press Briefing Archive
Washington Post

Cast of Characters

.......... CIA Factbook
.......... Global Security, Syria Special Weapons News Archive
.......... BBC, profile
Bashar al-Assad, President
.......... BBC, profile
.......... Slate, profile
.......... Arabic News, biography
.......... Forward, profile
Farouk al-Shara, Foreign Minister
Imad Moustapha, Deputy Syrian Ambassador to the US
.......... Boston Globe, profile
.......... personal page?
.......... Greta's Fox News show, photo

George W. Bush
.......... US White House, biography
.......... A&E, biography
.......... Iraqi News, biography
.........., Skeletons
.........., biography, may contain satire
.......... bartcop, profile of Bush's military career
Ari Fleischer, Press Secretary
.......... A & E, biography
.......... The New Republic, profile
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
.......... US DoD, biography
.......... Wikipedia, biography
.......... ABC News, profile
Colin Powell, Secretary of State
.......... US White House, biography
.......... Behind Colin Powell's Legend
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense
.......... US DoD, biography
.......... US DoD, transcripts
.......... American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, biography
.......... Slate, profile
.......... Foreign Policy in Focus, track record in Asia
.......... The Australian, profile
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor
.......... US White House, biography
.......... Hoover Institution, profile
.......... BBC, profile
John R. Bolton, Under Secretary of State, Arms Control and International Security
.......... US Dept. of State, biography
.......... Foreign Policy in Focus, profile
Douglas Feith, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
.......... US DoD, biography
.......... Middle East Infromation Center, profile
.......... American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, biography
Richard Perle, Defense Advisory Board
.......... AEI, biography
.......... Center for Cooperative Research, biography -- scroll down
.......... Slate, profile
Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State

.......... PNAC's website

Tony Blair, Prime Minister
.......... 10 Downing St., biography
Jack Straw, Foreign Minister
.......... 10 Downing St., biography

Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister
.......... Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, biography
.......... Electronic Intifada, biography
Shaul Mofaz, Defense Minister
Silvan Shalom, Foreign Minister
Dov Weisglass, Sharon's chief of staff
Ephriam Halevy, National Security Adviser

Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen)
.......... Middle East Information Center, profile
.......... UPI, background on Hamas/Israel connection
.......... Terrorism Research Center, profile

.......... CIA, profile
.......... Dept. of State, profile
Emile Lahoud, President
.......... Lebanese Embassy to the US, biography
.......... American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, profile
Rafiq Hariri, Prime Minister
.......... Lebanese Embassy to the US, biography
.......... BBC, profile
.......... The Estimate profile
Nabih Berri, Speaker of the Parliament
.......... Lebanese Embassy to the US, biography
.......... Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, biography
.......... Encyclopedia of the Orient, biography
Jean Obeid, Foreign Minister
.......... Hizbullah's website
.......... US Dept. of State, profile
.......... Momkey Media Report, Hezbollah links
.......... Yellow Times The History of Hizbullah

Multi-national Organizations
United Nations
European Union
Gulf Cooperation Council
Arab League


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Friday, Apr 18, 2003

CBS News -- April 17
Hezbollah Turns Up The Volume
They were once considered the baddest of the bad, at the top of the pecking order of Middle East terrorist organizations. Until Sept. 11, Hezbollah - the so-called "Party of God" - had killed more Americans than any other group, starting with 241 Marines in a suicide bombing of their Beirut barracks in 1983.

Lately, however, Hezbollah had been relatively quiet, letting groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad take the lead in suicide bombing attacks against Israel and leaving al Qaeda to press the attack against America.

But, as CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart reports, Hezbollah has suddenly started talking loud again. Even before U.S. forces invaded Iraq, the group began calling for suicide attacks against American forces. And U.S. officials have left no doubt they now consider the Party of God as dangerous as al Qaeda ever was.

"I'll tell you that Hezbollah, as an organization with capability and worldwide presence, is its equal, if not a far more capable organization," CIA Director George Tenet told Congress on Feb. 12.
- mark 4-18-2003 11:23 pm [link]

[Report on cabinet shake-up with analysis of internal and external factors.]
Middle East Online -- April 18
Lebanon unveils most pro-Syrian cabinet ever
By Najib Khazzaka
BEIRUT - Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri formed a new government Thursday, the most pro-Syrian yet since Damascus imposed its will on its smaller neighbor more than a decade ago, and amid US threats against Syria.

In keeping with tradition, the 30-member cabinet was evenly divided between Muslims and Christians, but it is entirely dominated by long-time allies of Syria or others, notably Christians, who have joined the pro-Syrian camp.
- mark 4-18-2003 11:13 pm [link]

The Daily Star -- April 18
US warns Lebanon against harboring Saddam’s cronies
Khalil Fleihan
Washington has warned Lebanon against providing passage or shelter to fleeing members of Saddam Hussein’s regime, diplomatic sources said Thursday.

According to the sources, the request was conveyed by US Ambassador Vincent Battle to Prime Minister Rafik Hariri hours before the latter handed in his resignation on Tuesday. The embassy later conveyed the request to the Lebanese Foreign Ministry as well.
- mark 4-18-2003 11:03 pm [link]

Washington Times -- April 18
World Scene
Lebanon - Prime minister forms new government

BEIRUT — Lebanon said yesterday that Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, whose sudden resignation brought down the government, had formed a new Cabinet that retained economic policy-makers but left out key Christian opposition figures.

The lineup did not include members of the Christian opposition to Syria's grip on Lebanon, who analysts had expected might gain a seat in the 30-member Cabinet, which must still be approved by Parliament.

Mr. al-Hariri resigned Tuesday in a move that paved the way for a new government, but lawmakers later voted to retain him and asked him to form a Cabinet.
- mark 4-18-2003 10:58 pm [link]

Arab Media Internet Network (AMIN) -- April 15
Is Syria next after Iraq?
By: Elias Zananiri
Intelligence reports reaching Washington suggested that even after the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime, Syria had been coordinating extensively with Hizbollah in Lebanon how to harm the American forces in Iraq. The idea, according to those reports, was to make Iraq for the Americans what Lebanon was for the Israelis before they pulled out of Lebanon in May 2000.
- mark 4-18-2003 10:51 pm [link]

Reuters -- April 18
Mideast States Mull Post-War Iraq as US Warns Syria
By Andrew Hammond
RIYADH - Middle East nations began debating post-Saddam Hussein Iraq on Friday as the United States forged ahead with its own plans for a nation crushed by war.

Among eight countries at the first postwar regional forum was Syria, accused by Washington of sheltering Saddam aides and developing chemical weapons. Syria denies both charges.

The Riyadh meeting was hosted by Saudi Arabia to discuss the implications for the region of the crushing U.S. victory. Foreign ministers of Iraq's neighbors Turkey, Iran, Syria, Kuwait and Jordan as well as Egypt and Bahrain attended.

An opening statement read at the talks criticized what it said were U.S. threats against Syria and called for the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq to be as brief as possible.

"We absolutely refuse the recent threat against Syria which can only increase the likelihood of a new circle of war and hatred, especially in light of the continuing deterioration of the Palestinian situation," said the statement read out by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.

"We call on the United States to use dialogue with Syria and to activate the (Middle East) peace process," it said, welcoming a possible visit to Syria by Secretary of State Colin Powell.
- mark 4-18-2003 10:28 pm [link]

AP via Hindustan Times -- April 18
Syria may expel some Iraqis: US officials
Washington - Syria may be preparing to quietly expel some members of the Iraqi government who have sought refuge inside its borders, US officials have said.
- mark 4-18-2003 10:15 pm [link]

[Political discussion from Australia.]
Australian Broadcast Corporation, The 7:30 Report -- April 17
US ramps up Syria rhetoric
JEREMY THOMPSON: So what's happening?

Is the United States softening up the world for another invasion in the Middle East?

ALAN BEHM, FORMER DEFENCE OFFICIAL: I think what they're doing is warning Syria of the consequences of its possession of weapons of mass destruction and perhaps just testing the waters a bit to see how the international community might respond.

DR GLEN BARCLAY, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, ANU: We have to assume now that when the Americans start threatening anybody they're at least very seriously considering attacking them.

Secondly, the only reason for attacking Syria that makes sense would be to remove the only possible external threat to Israel.
- mark 4-18-2003 10:11 pm [link]

Los Angelese TImes -- April 15
via Monkey Media Report
Next, Turn the Screws on Syria
By Yossi Klein Halevi
Syria arms and protects the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah. Until Sept. 11, Hezbollah held the world record in the number of Americans killed through terrorism. In two suicide bombings in the 1980s, Hezbollah murdered 260 American soldiers stationed in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. No terror organization maintains greater global reach than Hezbollah, whose cells and fund-raising network extend to six continents. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage recently noted that Hezbollah "may be the [terrorists'] A-team, while Al Qaeda may be actually the B-team."
- mark 4-18-2003 9:46 pm [link]

The Daily Star -- April 18
Lahoud slams American threats against Syria
Other parties lash out at Washington

Elie Hourani
President Emile Lahoud condemned on Thursday the recent US threats against both Syria and Lebanon, “especially those that recently focused on Syria,” calling it “unfair to punish both the Lebanese and the Syrians for standing by Iraq and insisting on a peaceful solution.”
- mark 4-18-2003 11:35 am [link]