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archive of posts for the year 2011


December19th55906Special Ellipse - Sing the Tell
8th558215caarr3d&/PROf4nee (Red/Blue Heimlich)
55819cut kittehs GIF
November25th55745Ice dance Dog dance GIF
21st55724cat/laser Continuim GIF
55722Race Crash GIF
13th55681Dog wind GIF
October24th55570master of Puppets gif
55569detail from Red/Blue Heimlich
17th55526detail from Red/Blue Heimlich
14th55505Operatic Narcoleptic
5th55448Poodle fight gif
55447Dolphin wanks
55446Crash cavort gif
55445bunny catfight
55444Trouble (found gif collage)
July6th54842Stupid Cunts
April15th54076manicures by Sally's House of neuro-aesthetics
54072Nails 1