Lorna Mills: Visual Art, Images & Animations
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Lorna Mills - Operatic Narcoleptic at the WAG - Widget Art Gallery for IPhone and IPad. From Oct. 07 til Nov. 07-2011. Curated by Chiara Passa

LornaMills_WAG_iPhone_unicorn_fast.gif LornaMillsWAG.jpg

About the WAG:

The “WAG” is nano virtual gallery-room developed for IPhone, IPod Touch and I Pad. Every month, directly on your mobile, The “WAG” hosts a solo digital art exhibition related to the dynamic site-specific contest. For IPhone and IPod touch, just copy this url http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag/mobile/ in Safari and choose: “add to home” and The WAG's icon will be saved on your IPhone. Do the same for IPad but pasting this other URL: http://www.chiarapassa.it/wagipad/mobile/, or download the widget version for Mac osx dashboard at: http://www.chiarapassa.it/publicart.html

- L.M. 10-14-2011 2:13 pm [link] [add a comment]