- sally mckay 12-08-2003 5:32 am

this gif is 17 digital stills of my bedroom curtain blowing in the breeze, run forwards then backwards for a total of 32 frames, then looped, modified to 4 websafe colours, and displayed here in a table grid of 4 (thanks to Tom for the gridded gif thang). file is 204K which I consider a little high for a gif- but what the heck.
- sally mckay 12-09-2003 7:55 am

The purples are nice--websafe how? I thought it was satellite weather maps run in Xtreme time lapse with frames removed.
- tom moody 12-09-2003 9:05 am

It doesn't look right in my browser!? How do I fix that? I'm using Safari.

Just kidding.
- new stranger (guest) 12-09-2003 10:13 am

So I'm trying to count along with it, to see if it ends up as 17 or 32, and my favourite part is where it all goes mainly the darker colour, so you can't see the seams between the four blocks. The sound track in my head at that part goes whaaaowhaaowhaao, and I think of dancers with their arms flung at the sky.

Try it! You'll like it!
- Jean (guest) 12-09-2003 5:53 pm

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