- sally mckay 1-16-2004 8:01 am

For some reason your table with the gifs is showing up in the comments (below the post button [?????]) and not on your blog page. Also, it's added to the Alien 4 gif post.
- tom moody 1-16-2004 9:13 am

I've seen something like that before. You may have a missing "table" end tag.
- mark 1-16-2004 9:14 am

That's what it is. A period instead of a >.
- tom moody 1-16-2004 9:17 am

yike. thanks guys. It looked fine to me, which is unfortunate. I fixed the table end tag - its okay now, yes?
- sally mckay 1-16-2004 4:25 pm

- bill 1-16-2004 4:30 pm

I wonder why I didn't see it. I'm using explorer - is this the symptom of yet another microsoft "service" that buries the problem in a nice smooth "don't-worry-your-pretty-little-head-about-it" interface? (grrr)
- sally mckay 1-16-2004 4:40 pm

I think it is. I used to have Netscape 4.6 at work and regularly used it to check html that IE was "fixing" for me. Things like bold tags that didn't have a slash in the closing tag. Scary stuff, this being "helped."

- tom moody 1-16-2004 6:06 pm

As for the images, I like grainy.
- anonymous (guest) 1-16-2004 9:11 pm

- Tino (guest) 1-16-2004 9:12 pm

I'm on IE 6. Checking your HTML with other browsers is a good thing, but I always forget to do it.
- mark 1-17-2004 5:30 am

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