Hey what gives? Here's the current outgoing message at the Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation:
We have suspended the foundation's exhibition program and are currently generating books. There is nothing on exhibit at the foundation.
If you know the skinny, please leave a message in the comments below!

- sally mckay 2-06-2004 5:43 am

"Looks like they are only doing books now, and I took a quick look at PARTNERS the first book in the series, and it's sweet yo' -- it just feels like money in your hands when you hold it."

(this, above, just in from Pam via email)
- sally mckay 2-06-2004 6:26 pm

Thanks Pam! Partners is a show too and it looks really great. Wish I could go to Germany right now and see it. There's a good description here. I'm a little disappointed, cause the books seem to be catalogues for Ydessa's shows. Not that I have anything against catalogues, but I was getting my panties in a twist thinking there was a new Canadian art books publisher on the block. (Those of you who know that I work for YYZ Books, and that I just joined the board at Art Metropole, and that I was co-owner of Lola magazine, will understand my hyperactive response.) But maybe that's where she's headed. I hope so - Ydessa publishing would really rock!!

Here's a nice description of Ydessa I found at absolutearts.com.

"Ydessa Hendeles’ work cannot be confined within the conventions of traditional curating, collecting or exhibition design. Her thoughtfully-arranged exhibitions have been groundbreaking not only for their standard of multi-media installations, but notably for their innovations in her curatorial practice. Hendeles’ exhibitions are not about themes, but about juxtapositions that provide insights into presented objects."

Here's a link to my poke at her austere exterior in an earlier post.

- sally mckay 2-06-2004 7:30 pm

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