
- sally mckay 4-07-2004 9:55 am

Which is the real mouse?
Which is the real tourist?
Which is the real pretend mouse?
Which is the real pretend tourist?
Which tourist pretends to be a real mouse?
Which mouse pretends to be a real tourist?

All this, tho there's no mouse and no tourist.
- Jean (guest) 4-07-2004 5:53 pm

- Tino (guest) 4-08-2004 7:19 pm

Dammit Sal, you win the adorable contest.

But it brings back humiliating memories of being dressed up as a mouse. Somewhere there is a photo (not yet destroyed) of a group of little five year figure-skater mice, with one ridiculously unattractive child in the back row (a full foot taller than the rest), her arms crossed, staring into the camera with a huge scowl.

- LM (guest) 4-09-2004 2:58 am

I'm pretty tired of pink animal costumes myself (fey, twee). But Miss Mouse has a bit of work left to do before she goes to pasture and passes the torch to the tourist. Ironically, Miss Mouse is the more active of the two - she's been known to commit corporal acts of violence. That tourist just hangs around doing research and looking at stuff.
- sally mckay 4-10-2004 7:19 pm

I'm an expert on twee. I know twee. It's not twee.
- LM (guest) 4-10-2004 10:45 pm

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