A friend showed me his copy of Tasman Richardson's recently released, Basement Boy Hardcore DVD. I like music best when there is something to look at and think about. This fit the bill perfectly and I want to watch it all again right now. The first track, "Vader Lives", is a sort of classical aesthetic dance beat b&w riff on Star Wars with ominous relevance and world events overtones. My favourite track is Destro My Tokyo with self-consciously cathartic, laser-eyed dog, multiple A-bomb, anime collage and scary music. There is a little taste of "Blackest Sabbath" here, but it doesn't remotely do the whole freaky thing justice. I especially enjoyed the contextualising segues in which Tasman and Wolfgang Bochar get drunk with Wolfgang's computer to talk about culture and other big things.
“I like music best when there is something to look at and think about.”
Man, we’ve come a long way from the early days of MTV, when critics complained that music videos were bad because they foreclose the visual imagination of the listener.
But take my advice: no mushrooms at the opera.
"no mushrooms at the opera" ...is that from experience? I loved MTV videos in the early days when all the tropes were new, but now I find them mostly boring.
They're great at a Butthole Surfers show (now there was some visual music) but you can't dance at the opera, and oh the dry-cleaning bills from drooling on your formal wear...
I'd be worried about hooting "bravo" in the wrong part.
mfgvvxsc [URL=http://yzpicwvq.com]wocdsbzd[/URL] iibisrft http://wbaihcaw.com bqscuixu aewxpavy
A friend showed me his copy of Tasman Richardson's recently released, Basement Boy Hardcore DVD. I like music best when there is something to look at and think about. This fit the bill perfectly and I want to watch it all again right now. The first track, "Vader Lives", is a sort of classical aesthetic dance beat b&w riff on Star Wars with ominous relevance and world events overtones. My favourite track is Destro My Tokyo with self-consciously cathartic, laser-eyed dog, multiple A-bomb, anime collage and scary music. There is a little taste of "Blackest Sabbath" here, but it doesn't remotely do the whole freaky thing justice. I especially enjoyed the contextualising segues in which Tasman and Wolfgang Bochar get drunk with Wolfgang's computer to talk about culture and other big things.
- sally mckay 5-27-2004 7:15 am
“I like music best when there is something to look at and think about.”
Man, we’ve come a long way from the early days of MTV, when critics complained that music videos were bad because they foreclose the visual imagination of the listener.
But take my advice: no mushrooms at the opera.
- alex 5-27-2004 9:08 pm
"no mushrooms at the opera" ...is that from experience? I loved MTV videos in the early days when all the tropes were new, but now I find them mostly boring.
- sally mckay 5-27-2004 9:54 pm
They're great at a Butthole Surfers show (now there was some visual music) but you can't dance at the opera, and oh the dry-cleaning bills from drooling on your formal wear...
- alex 5-27-2004 10:40 pm
I'd be worried about hooting "bravo" in the wrong part.
- sally mckay 5-28-2004 12:10 am
mfgvvxsc [URL=http://yzpicwvq.com]wocdsbzd[/URL] iibisrft http://wbaihcaw.com bqscuixu aewxpavy
- iovawfyk (guest) 12-27-2006 2:13 pm