I just realised this blog is over one year old! I've changed the header image in celebration. Here's a link to my first ever post (Nov. 18, 2003).

- sally mckay 12-10-2004 8:44 pm

Happy birthday Sally Mckay's blog!
- jim 12-10-2004 8:55 pm

For those of you who don't know, Jim is the digital green thumb behind Digital Media Tree. Without him we are nothing. Thanks Jim!

- sally mckay 12-10-2004 9:18 pm

There's a Trailer Park Christmas Special this Sunday night on Showcase.
- Jean (guest) 12-10-2004 9:34 pm

the last Christmas on TPB that I remember was when Ricky threw the turkey at a squad car and Bubbles retreived it. "C'mon now l'il fella...it's still good!"
- sally mckay 12-10-2004 10:05 pm

I've a horrible feeling that TPB jumped the shark when Rush came though town. I think the turkey episode is on my season 3 DVD so I should check it out.
- joester 12-11-2004 12:09 am

This photo makes you look very scienterrific!

- Tino (guest) 12-11-2004 12:53 am

great work sal. and thanks for the tpb heads up. i've been watching it twice a week on bbca down here.

- bill 12-11-2004 2:53 am

happy blogeversary!
- rob (guest) 12-11-2004 8:04 pm

nathan gale and bubbles. separated at birth ?

- bill 12-11-2004 9:00 pm

As my mother would say: Is that the way you dress when you visit a particle accelerator?!?
- L.M. 12-11-2004 9:04 pm

ech. Bill I don't want to sign up to aol, like that link of yours requires, but I can't find any other pictures of nathan gale.
- sally mckay 12-12-2004 2:23 am

LM, hard hats are good for safety in the home too. a book could fall off the top shelf, or you could slip on the stairs.
- sally mckay 12-12-2004 2:25 am

I agree. We should all wear helmuts all the time.
You never know. Congrats on all that great arty brainy bloggin'.
- Tino (guest) 12-13-2004 11:17 pm

yeah, er a sorry about that. it was a copy of gales drivers license. think bubbles (bottle bottom glasses 'n all) with a crew cut. the image wouldnt upload either. this is being called the metal 9/11. sorry drifting waaayyyyy off topic.
- bill 12-14-2004 12:03 am

"the metal 9/11" ...ouch. There was a nice bit of blogging on the story over at zoilus. Carl Wilson is an awesome music writer.
- sally mckay 12-14-2004 12:21 am

trouble with that zoilus link.
- bill 12-14-2004 12:33 am

oops. fixed it, thanks Bill.
- sally mckay 12-14-2004 12:40 am

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