Below is an excerpt from the new oath of secrecy, that the College of Cardinals now have to take before voting. It's from the vatican web site:

"Ego (positum appello) promitto qui, nisi acquiro precipuus licentio de novus electus pontiff, ego volo servo universitas perpetuus specialis per omnis externus ut Collegium Cardinalis electors inter omnis materia finitimus finitumus suffragium enim adopto per Pontifex Supremus.

Ego etiam promitto tempero usura ullus audioay vel ideovay apparatus idoneus perscribo quis secundum umquam per lectio ex Vatican civitas, pariter precipue quicquid finitimus finitumus lectio. Ego denuncio quod ego ingero iuro copiose infractio mos creo mihi infractio poena ideo posterus Pontifex Supremus mos censura, canonicus 1399 iussu principatus instituta apostolica."

...actually, it was posted in English, but I thought that Sally would prefer to see it in Latin. Unfortunately there wasn't a Latin translation for audio or video equipment so I had to use pig-Latin for those words. I was also a little unclear over whether I should write Pontifex Supremus, or directly translate to Supremus Pontifex. In the end, I chose to err on the side of pretension.

(there also wasn't a phrase translator on-line, so I did it word by word, I killed a lot of time and I was rewarded with a feeling of pomposity and smugness that I have never achieved with computer gaming)

You'll also notice that nothing is mentioned specifically about textus essagingmay from within the enclave, but most theologians will agree that this document (from 1996) would probably cover future developments in communication technologies.

- L.M. 4-04-2005 7:19 pm

Just spent my morning drinking coffee and watching the procession of the pope's body from the inner sanctum to St. Peter's Basilica where he will lie in state for the public to view. As a non-catholic i certainly was impressed with the imagery and the gregorian chanting. Two observations of note: geesh, those guys carrying the pope had to go down alot of stairs. Secondly the popes feet seemed strangely askew. Maybe i had too much coffee
- rusty_k 4-04-2005 8:19 pm

Indeed, mnobody, they do know how to put on a great show, (and they invented crowd control). Historically, the church spent a lot of resources on these big processions. (catholic peasants were always absent from the fields getting drunk and celebrating various saint's days). CNN's 24 hour pope show is very, very catholic in this respect. (feel free to get totally shit-faced while watching the coverage)

Of further note, it was in opposition to this constant partying and parade watching that you get the phrase "Protestant work ethic".

- L.M. 4-04-2005 8:46 pm

o.k. L.M. from now on i'm drinkin booze with my coffee for my morning pope show or maybe just ditch the coffee altogether! Maybe i can get some of that sh:t the monks drink.
- anonymous (guest) 4-05-2005 1:43 am

woops anonymous was me. mnobody
- mnobody (guest) 4-05-2005 1:44 am

Trappiste Beer from Belgium is 9% alcohol.

I'd love to turn on CNN and see mnobody in the line-ups at St. Peter's square. A really drunk mnobody would even be better.
- L.M. 4-05-2005 1:59 am

Ha, good idea! wanna take up a collection for his plane ticket!? Anyone know how to tap into a live satellite feed for some digital manipulation!?
- mnobody (guest) 4-05-2005 2:13 am

mnobody pope picker
- joester 4-05-2005 4:03 am

..."I thought that Sally would prefer to see it in Latin"...
you thought right! I am still larfing. Nice collage, joester. Mr. Nobody looks like he's loaded for bear. I went looking for good papal crowd scenes but all I found was this:
papal hose

- sally mckay 4-05-2005 4:51 am

nice work Joester! looks like Mr. Nobody is more omnipresent than i thought. Hey Sally, that must be a photo of the Catholic crowd control method L.M. was talking about.
- rusty_k 4-05-2005 5:11 am

Yeah he's out there, but for some reason he doesn't get the bling the other Cardinals get.
- joester 4-05-2005 6:42 am

is it mtv springbreak 2005: vatican city? that must be the eXtreme baptismal/wet t-shirt contest i heard so much about.
- dave 4-05-2005 8:52 pm

- bill 4-05-2005 9:34 pm

- joester 4-06-2005 12:16 am

The Baptists still won't consider it a real baptism, because it doesn't involve full submersion.
- mark 4-06-2005 12:22 am

Ok, this totally beats the video game blog any day. My mitre is off to L.M.
- thom (guest) 4-06-2005 6:11 am

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