Normally I'd leave critiquing art gallery PR to Simpleposie, but YYZ's "ScenoArt" poster insert thingy is totally absurd! I saw the show, by Sue Gallagher and Andrew King, and it wasn't a spoof. I quite liked Sue Gallagher's piece, in which scenes from old films with dancing couples are split horizontally and reflected, so it looks like the dancers are spinning around neck-deep in a glassy pool. Anyhow, I really want to point out the poster. It's in all caps, for starters. One side is devoted to surreal vision statements from the curator (also a YYZ board member), complete with three claims of ownership and one statement of copyright, and accolades from what appears to be her professor from school (I hope I'm wrong about that). The other side is devoted to the artists, which amounts to their bios and statements blown up in big fonts with weird spacey typesetting and a statement from the curator/board member saying, "Are we not compelled to look for the ones that reflect us and our own work best?" Luckily for those not on the YYZ mailing list, the whole thing is online, typography and all, at Hooray!

Also mysterious: NOW magazine spelled "penis" as "penus" in today's letters section, both in print and online. Did they do it on purpose?

- sally mckay 6-24-2005 2:47 am

Penus sounds better!
- jatsimpleposie (guest) 6-24-2005 6:08 pm

that flyer is poorly designed...

- anonymous (guest) 6-24-2005 8:19 pm

maybe they meant "peanut"
- sally mckay 6-24-2005 11:26 pm

I thought that too!
- jatsimpleposie (guest) 6-25-2005 2:09 am

I think they want to be able to say "you can't spell 'penus' without spelling "us". Kind of the opposite of "there is no I in TEAM"
- joester 6-25-2005 4:59 am

but there is a 'M' and an 'E' in team...
- anonymous (guest) 6-25-2005 5:25 am

I heard Penus is Charlie Brown's new friend.
- rusty_k 6-25-2005 8:25 pm

Poor Linus!
- jatsimpleposie (guest) 6-25-2005 8:44 pm

Good grief!
- Spin B (guest) 7-03-2005 9:46 pm

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