Shinobu Akimoto
Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby
Matthew Evans
Jean-Paul Kelly
Sandy Plotnikoff
Tanya Read

What a line up! Where can you see this show of excellent Canadian artists? Why, Japan, of course. Smart artist/curator Shinobu Akimoto has put together the Canadian component of the + Video Awards 2005, at Plus Gallery in Nagoya. More info here.

- sally mckay 7-07-2005 7:59 pm

Hey Sally, thanks for posting our show on your site with a nice comment.. But, boy, I am so not a curator - I kinda knew I wouldn't be, but this experience confirmed that I like being curated way better!! But one thing I learned from it is hey, I can, not just translate but now, subtitle! - thanks to many people who gave me phone sessions!! So if you ever need to send your work to Japan, let me know..
- shinobu (guest) 7-10-2005 6:34 am

congratulations on the show, y'all!

- sally mckay 7-10-2005 7:13 am

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