Waypoint : Case Studies at York Quay Centre
www.sallymckay.ca/waypoint/_ _-_ _-_ _

find the cache to complete the url
pre-programmed GPS tracking device available at York Quay Centre

N 43º 38.465 W 079º 22.786


I'm in a show called Waypoint that opens tomorrow, in the Case Studies gallery at the York Quay Centre. Each of the artists has been working with a GPS device to create a geocache in the harbourfront area, or at least, refer to that idea. The show is curated by Patrick Macaulay, and the artists are Scott Berry, Dave Dyment, Karen Henderson, me, Gwen MacGregor, Paola Poletto, Mitch Robertson, and Laurel Woodcock. Friday evening is the big opening for all of York Quay Centre's summer exhibitions, come on down.

Waypoint is on from July 16 - September 11, 2005
Opening is Friday, July 15, 2005
6 - 9 pm York Quay Centre
235 Queens Quay West, Toronto

- sally mckay 7-14-2005 5:26 pm

I love this image sally.
- thom (guest) 7-15-2005 7:28 pm

cool! thanks Thom. ...if geocaching is not your thing, talk to me once the show is over in September and I'll release the secret code so you can see more of the webstuff.
- sally mckay 7-15-2005 7:45 pm

best of luck tonight Sally. Sounds interesting, nice image! We are off to the badlands of Mississauga for the weekend.
- mnobody (guest) 7-16-2005 12:35 am

argh! We were so close, but couldn't quite find it. It's driving me crazy...
Missed you at the opening sorry, but it seemed everyone else i knew was there..
The satellites are very cool!
- rob (guest) 7-17-2005 8:13 pm

damn. That's too bad you couldn't find the cache. Maybe I need to make some adjustments. Glad you like my satellites!
- sally mckay 7-17-2005 9:06 pm

I played fill in the blanks with the url. I couldn't guess, and your web server was smart enough to prevent me from seeing the directory contents. I guess I'll have to wait.
- mark 8-25-2005 3:33 am

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