UPDATE: see video clip here.

Kristin Lucas, Magic Eyes Cream Headache Sandwich , 2005. three channel video installation, running time 4 minutes (image taken from Postmasters)

Yesterday was a good art day. First off Kristin Lucas sent me links to her current show at Postmasters in New York. This woman's art never ceases to surprise me. Yes she is my friend, she is also ff'ing brilliant. In the 4 minute video installation, "Magic Eyes Cream Headache Sandwich" two arms with lives of their own, try to feed the head some cake. And play music. It's like a post-cyborgian birthday part: love your own detachment, embrace the mind/body split, desire the explanatory gap, and you might just have some fun.

Next I dropped in at Angell Gallery to see Geoffrey Pugen's show. I made a note earlier about a video of his that I liked - the video in this show was even better. Abstracted morphing mandella's made from the smooth tanned bodies of futuristic aerobics-type folk encircle the slowly morphing heads of animals. I was not totally excited about Pugen's prints, most of which you can see here. They provide a distopic chuckle, but the videos are on another level; technically lush, conceptually insidious, and visually mesermizing.

- sally mckay 7-18-2005 12:34 am

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