
Strange day in the alley: these two items each abandoned, about 250 metres apart.

- sally mckay 10-04-2005 6:41 pm


It must be "Shuck the Princess" day. We scored the Pink Fairy Book, but left the unicorn to its fate. I already have a few hygienically questionable back alley refugees kicking around from my younger days of plush toy rescue.

- sally mckay 10-04-2005 6:42 pm

My initial reaction is: BE CAREFUL SALLY!!! IT'S SOME SORT OF TRAP!!!

(but I'm too lazy to actually develop or support that theory)

- L.M. 10-04-2005 8:54 pm

my theory is all the female first-year students on my street are having Thanksgiving crises and throwing out their kid stuff.
- sally mckay 10-04-2005 9:12 pm

'Thanksgiving Crisis' that like the October Crisis?
Maybe L.M. is right, i think the unicorn knew too much.
- mnobody (guest) 10-05-2005 1:13 am

(deep sigh) mnobody complete me.

b/t/w are you still holding everybody's place in that line-up in front of the Drake?

- L.M. 10-05-2005 1:53 am

...ya, its lonely at the front of the line.
- rusty_k 10-05-2005 5:27 am

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